Problem: Erosion of Privacy

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UK going full Orwell with their proposed “Online Safety Bill” that would require government backdoors into any encrypted messaging service effectively killing Signal, iMessage, WhatsApp and other private messaging services.

You can use the EFF’s canned message sender to voice your concern to House of Lords in UK.

Good Darknet Diaries episode on “mercenary malware” like Pegasus and Predator and how governments are being outed for purchasing these surveillance tools and using them to spy on their own citizens (journalists, dissidents, political opposition). Wild stories from the people on the front lines who uncovered this stuff.

A rare positive development in California today on the privacy front (essentially establishing the same “right to be forgotten” afforded EU citizens under GDPR). Normally projects attempting to influence legislation I think are less promising than ones attempting to shape or educate the market, however in this case it could be energy well spent to slingshot off this win and leverage the momentum and do an awareness campaign in other states and at the Federal level in the US.

Privacy under threat again in EU. Signal’s response here. TLDR; the previous Online Safety Bill got shot down because experts piped up and advocated the existence of E2E encryption as essential for a healthy, functioning society. Their new tactic is to rebrand and move away from attacking E2E encryption calling it “upload moderation” proposing to intercept content on the device and scan it before it’s encrypted. Sneaky way of accomplishing the same goal while being able to claim they’re not technically forcing companies to break encryption. Would be good to see a project proposal to rally public awareness and fight this proposed decimation of privacy in EU. Apple already rightly abandoned its proposed CSAM initiative - this is a treacherous path EU is walking.