Introductions: tell us about yourself

Hi! I’m Dhara. I’m from United States and live in Lisbon now. I am a Software Engineer and Entrepreneur. I value education and creativity. I hope to connect to people and brainstorm something valuable and creative.

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Thanks @Dhara for your application. The event is now at capacity for participants but I’ve added you to the waitlist and I’ll let you know if we get any cancellations.

As a software engineer one option would be joining next weekend for the Buildathon which has plenty of space at this point. This is where we’ll be building the winning projects from tomorrow.

One other alternate idea for you if you want to be part of tomorrow: have a look at this project which still does not have a team leader. If that seems like something you would want to take on I can potentially get you in as team leader role on that one. DM me on the Discord to discuss if you’re interested in this.

What is your name?
Hi all! I’m Matthieu - you can call me Matti.

Where are you from and where do you live now?
I’m from France and have lived many years in California.
I now live in Lisbon since last year.

What do you do professionally?
I am a software engineer and entrepreneur. I have a background in system engineering, security and I dabble in machine learning.
I love to help with out of the box hack ideas, and also best practices in technical leadership.

What types of causes do you value most?
I am most interested in climate change, access to education, and well being / mental health.

What brings you here and what do you hope to get by being involved in this project
I am looking to connect with like minded people, learn what others are working on and help with my knowledge where I can.

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  • What is your name?
  • Where are you from and where do you live now?
    I’m from Mexico but lived in France and nouw in Portugal
  • What do you do professionally?
    BigData Consultant - Blockchain Developer
  • What types of causes do you value most?
    Economic equality (for equality of chances and minimal life quality) amoung countries and psycho-social well being. Citizen / member commitment to become autonomous decentralized organizations
  • What brings you here and what do you hope to get by being involved in this project?
    I discovered this on meetup and want to collaborate with a team to address real world problem with impactfull solutions created by the collective intelligence
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What is your name?
My name is Asiya Rakhmatullina Askarova

Where are you from and where do you live now?
Im from Spain, and currently living in Lisbon already one year and half. And staying here indefinitely

What do you do professionally?
Currently I’m working as Business Analyst. But In studying law and have criminology degree, specialized in humanitarian aid

What types of causes do you value most?
All related to social causes. From human trafficking to poverty.

What brings you here and what do you hope to get by being involved in this project?
I already participated before in one and loved it. Unfortunately, didn’t have the possibility to do more until now. Hopefully I can join again.

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@Asiya great to have you back and thanks for completing the onboarding steps. You’re all set for tomorrow at Le Wagon.

@Eli still need your profile photo for security purposes but that’s the only thing missing. It takes 10sec to add here. lmk if you run into any issues

Eric Nation

Phoenix, Arizona, USA. I’ve been living abroad nomadically for 7 years now. But for the past year, we have settled in Lisbon, Portugal and this is our home now.

I’m a full-stack JavaScript engineer. I tend to enjoy working in the front-end more than the back-end. I work as a software engineer at Carvana and also run a digital agency with my wife.

financial education,
Affordable quality online education,
defi & fintech,
mental health,
health & wellness,
entrepreneur education

The event seemed liked a fun and useful way to meet like-minded people, and use my skillset towards initiatives that result in positive impact.

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  • What is your name?

Hi, I’m Chickee Fuerman.

  • Where are you from and where do you live now?

I was born & raised in the Philippines. Currently living in Austin, TX, USA. Looking into moving to Portugal soon. :slight_smile:

  • What do you do professionally?

I’m a UX designer. I was recently working at Microsoft leading the design of the Ethical Shopping feature on Edge and the shopping feature on the Start app.

  • What types of causes do you value most?

Sustainability in all aspects of life. Right now, I’m very interested in the circular economy (the 8Rs) & cooperatives specifically tech worker cooperatives.

  • What brings you here and what do you hope to get by being involved in this project?

I’m visiting Portugal/Europe for the first time and thought this would be a good way to kickstart meeting like-minded people and do something meaningful.

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@Chickee you’re all set. It should indeed be a great way to meet some amazing people out of the gate. We’ll see you on the 23rd.

Hey everyone! Glad to connect

  • What is your name?
    Mari Leva

  • Where are you from, and where do you live now?
    Originally from Kyiv, Ukraine. Currently based in Lisbon, Portugal

  • What do you do professionally?
    These days, I’m mostly into managing projects and enhancing the customer service experience.

Overall, I’ve lived and worked with local companies in 7 countries (across Asia, Europe, and North America) and have 7+ years of experience in customer-centric roles across various domains (e.g., digital, communication, education, fundraising, and hospitality).

Also, I’m always exploring innovative methodologies and tools that can level up business operations across different industries (e.g., recently, I’ve optimized charity fundraising using GenAI).

ATM, I’m looking for an organization to join forces with and make a positive impact.

  • What types of causes do you value most?
    Currently, I’m mostly focusing on supporting Ukrainian efforts to resist the Russian invasion. In general, I’m passionate about tackling food waste and promoting conscious consumption. Also, I strongly support efforts to prevent sexual violence.

  • What brings you here, and what do you hope to get by being involved in this project?
    I’m curious about the Impact Hackathon, and see it as a great opportunity to connect and collaborate with like-minded professionals.

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Welcome @Mari. You’re all set. See you soon!

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Thanks @Sean! Looking forward to meeting you.

  • What is your name?

  • Where are you from and where do you live now?
    I’m originally from Brasil and living in Lisbon for the past 12 years

  • What do you do professionally?
    My background is in Industrial Product Design.
    I’ve been working in product development for the past 15 years( physical and digital products) helping startups to build products. My main focus is today is helping startup founders and entrepreneurs to achieve clarity and align their strategy to rapidly acquire, retain, and expand their business and customers through CX and UX.

  • What types of causes do you value most?
    Causes that have a direct impact on sustainability and on society as a whole.

  • What brings you here and what do you hope to get by being involved in this project?
    I’m a helper and I want to give it back to society by helping to ship great projects that can solve a problem that we are facing. I strongly believe in the power or helping, sharing, and contributing to a cause that will serve thousands of people in need or that will protect our ecosystem.

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Thanks @Desiree you’re all set. Looking forward to seeing you next Saturday!

What is your name?

Where are you from and where do you live now?
I’m from Germany, but have lived all over Eurasia. I moved to Lisbon recently.

What do you do professionally?
I’m the technical co-founder of a startup that provides a 3D garment editor to companies in the fashion space.

What types of causes do you value most?
I’m mostly interested in economic crime, transparency, and environmental causes.

What brings you here and what do you hope to get by being involved in this project
I think working on a project that might have a positive impact on the world and meeting other interesting people would be a great way to spend a Saturday :slight_smile:

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Awesome @Daniel - welcome to Lisbon.
You’re all set and this event is now confirmed as we just hit 20 approved on the day of the deadline :raised_hands:.
See everyone next Saturday!

What is your name?

My name is Juan Salazar.

Where are you from and where do you live now?

I am originally from Venezuela, but I currently live in Lisbon.

What do you do professionally?

I am a Software Developer working at a consultancy firm. I specialize in developing web and mobile applications.

What types of causes do you value most?

I am deeply passionate about leveraging technology to address social issues, such as improving access to education, enhancing healthcare infrastructure, and promoting sustainability. I also value the open-source movement and believe that sharing knowledge can lead to more innovative solutions to complex problems.

What brings you here and what do you hope to get by being involved in this project?

I’m always on the lookout for opportunities to use my skills to make a difference. I joined this because I believe in its potential to bring positive change. I hope that by being involved, I can contribute to its success, learn from others, and further hone my skills as a developer.

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What is your name?

Where are you from and where do you live now?
I’m from Italy, I moved here in Portugal 13 years ago.

What do you do professionally?
I’m a UX Researcher and Designer.

What types of causes do you value most?
I’m mostly interested in circular economy, sustainable construction of houses, permaculture, education and healthcare. But I’m willing to work on anything.

What brings you here and what do you hope to get by being involved in this project
I believe in giving back to the community, and this event can be the perfect opportunity to make it happen!

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@SaraNucifora & @JuanSalazar welcome! Great to have you here.
You both have the same two items left to complete on your onboarding checklist (the legal waiver and joining our Discord server). Other than that you’re all set.
Let me know if you have any issues completing those. cheers

I’m unable to find the legal waiver or the Discord server. Can you help me, please?